8 November 13 • SCB

You guys, I can’t believe it’s time to open subscriptions for year four of 3191 Quarterly!!

When I look at that stack of the twelve past issues on my bookshelf, I feel so proud of what we’ve been able share thus far and full of enthusiasm for what’s ahead. I know that many of you have your own 3191Q library shelf, and we hope you’ve saved some room because new issues are coming!

When MAV and I started 3191Q four years ago, independent publishing looked quite different. We were not following a model, but creating something brand new (if you didn’t have a chance to receive that first year in print, they are available as digital downloads now). We wanted 3191Q to be visually rich and pleasing to hold and touch. We wanted to fill the pages with true stories from our own lives, trusted recipes from our own tables and those of our families and close friends, and accessible projects and ideas to make and do. We wanted to continue the celebration of the beauty of everyday that began with our Year of Mornings project. MAV and I were interested in documenting our surroundings and interests, but not in manufacturing moments or settings, and we hope that comes across in what we share with you and how we share it.

We are also tremendously proud that 3191 Quarterly continues to be completely ad-free and printed by a trusted business within the USA. We have worked hard this year to make the price more accessible for you without losing our commitment to these goals. One aspect that we are not able to control, however, is climbing postal rates. This is where subscriptions work to your best economic advantage with free (US) or reduced (international) shipping on all your issues. The savings are quite significant.

Along with the savings, subscribers are treated to exclusive content. Once you subscribe, you’ll receive a PDF of special content welcoming you, and a new PDF will be sent to you along with each 3191Q print issue over the course of the subscription year (these are not digital versions of the print issues, but additional, exclusive content just for subscribers).

Subscriptions will be open for a limited time only!

This is what you can expect during your 2014 subscription year:

3191 Quarterly • 2014
4 Print Issues / 4 Supplemental Digital Issues / 4 Ideas
No. 13 — Out & About (February)
No. 14 — Home & Work (May)
No. 15 — Create & Make (August)
No. 16 — Eat & Drink (November)

Thank you, thank you to our subscribers—both past and brand new!! You all make 3191Q possible with your enthusiasm, trust, and support. We ♥ you!! —SCB