28 June 13 • SCB

Earlier this month, I moved into a workspace that I share with my husband and our best friend. We are still settling in, but I hope soon to share some photos of what MAV and I are calling 3191 West.

I have been working exclusively from home for the last few years, and this change is a welcome one for me. I was at the point where I felt I was working tremendously hard juggling many jobs and responsibilities, and not doing any one of them particularly well. Maybe some of you know this feeling.

What I have discovered over the course of the last few weeks working in the studio is that, well, I still can’t accomplish everything, and perhaps my expectations are just too darn high. This clarity only came with change, however, and I am grateful for it.

That said, having a dedicated workspace is allowing my offerings at by3191 to grow. I am working with my talented and wise seamstress Melissa to continue adding new stock of tea towels to the shop (a new batch was added this morning!), and we will be working on some new items for the home for the next update.

Along with the linen tea towels, we added another Found Collection to the shop (Found Collections tend to move crazy-fast, do sign up on our mailing list at the top of the page if you want notice of when we update). Also, don’t forget that we still have our latest 3191Q Issue along with back issues, and totes. MAV still has a few tanks and smocks in stock. My Beauty & Use tanks have become my go-to tops for summer.