16 March 13 • MAV

I just got back from a great little holiday to Boulder, Colorado. You might have caught some of my phone pics on Instagram. I went on the trip to visit three of my dearest friends (the cutest one of them being just 4-1/2 years-old). It was beyond wonderful to relax with my friends and super stellar to get away from home and work. I definitely enjoyed the later nights and a whole lot of good food and wine … maybe a little too much!

When I get home from a trip, on top of the laundry and general grocery-getting that needs to be done, I usually try to “detox” (this word drives me nuts but I couldn’t think of a better one) for a few days. Here are some of the things I tend to do …

Upon waking in the morning, for the first few mornings back home, I drink a hot mug of water with lemon. I’ve actually been doing this most mornings this winter, but I definitely do it when I’m just back from traveling. A massage therapist once told me drinking warm water in the morning is like giving your insides a steam before you put anything in … I just love that!

For the first few days after I get home, I keep my meals as simple as I can. I start each morning with oatmeal just to give my stomach a clear signal that it’s home and that things are going to mellow out for a bit.

For the first few mornings or evenings after I get back, I try to take a warm bath just to let my muscles and bones relax. I don’t know about you, but after I spend time on a plane my body lets me know that it’s not all that pleased. The stiffness might last just one day, but still I try to give a bit of pampering. My favorite bath tonic for times like these is: one handful of Epsom salts, one handful of table salt and one handful of baking soda + a few drops of my favorite essential oil of the moment. Even if I only have 10 minutes, a soak with this mixture really helps my body feel happier.

Travel involves a lot of snacking. Nuts at the airport, crackers and cheese before drinks, some kind of power bar on the bus, an apple while running from one place to another. It’s all fine and good but often when I return from my travels, I crave something truly fresh. Coming back from Boulder I craved my favorite bread: the sprouted grain & seed from Scratch. Going along with the idea of keeping meals simple in these early post-travel days, I try options like eating this bread with steamed veggies for lunch and warm chicken broth for dinner. It’s not that I eat less when I get home, it’s that I eat more simply and without sauces and spices. I just give myself a few days to cleanse the palate with easy fresh foods.

Lastly, I try to get a good liver tonifying tea. This weekend I went to my favorite tea shop and got a wonderful blend. I’ll sip on this all week and give my liver a little extra love. After all, I did mention that I had a whole lot of wine on this trip, remember!

So, Monday it will be time to get back to work and let the stresses start rolling in once again, but for these few weekend days, I’ll pay a little more attention, take things a bit slower and give my body some tender love and care.