8 May 09 • SCB

I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my very favorite possessions. This book is one of them. It’s Ounce, Dice, Trice by Alastair Reid with illustrations by Ben Shahn, originally published in 1958. I found my copy at the Goodwill for 49 cents five or six years ago, but I just noticed that Random House is republishing it this year. Lucky you, because it’s really incredible, and previously quite hard to find.

It’s a book about words and is full of playfulness and silliness. It completely brightens my mood every time I open it. My wordplay-loving family is quite taken with it too.

Ben Shahn’s illustrations are just incredibly expressive and amazing. I want to show you every page, but I won’t.

Thanks for letting me share one of my favorite things. Happy weekend.