17 April 09 • SCB

It’s now week nine of our kitchen renovation. We are doing the majority of the work ourselves. I knew going into this that these things take time, probably more time than we could even anticipate. Old houses are a big can of worms. I try to keep things in perspective, but still, most days it’s hard to see the forest for the trees—the sawdust covered trees with electrical wires sticking out of them.

As I prep another meal hunched over my dining table, I close my eyes and try to think about when our work is done. I see things white and gleaming, tidy and smooth, with running water and rows of dishes and culinary tools at the ready. I think about cooking meals in that new kitchen for all the wonderful friends and family that are helping us along the way. We will sit at this table and eat until we are too full and then push back our chairs, fold our arms, look over at our handiwork and smile.

I see the forest.