20 June 14 • SCB


We have just arrived at the summer solstice, but I feel as though summer is already in full swing—we have a trip to the Southeast under our belt and the first crop of strawberries have come and gone. I admit, I am starting to feel anxious to fill our calendar and find time for everything we love this time of year. I have a few friends that truly come alive in the summer season, but I am not one of them. I do love it, but the abundance of summer—the light, the heat, the free time for my kids, the food and flowers—sometimes overwhelms me. I have to remind myself that we don’t have to stay busy sunrise to sunset or pick all the blueberries or complete every home renovation we’ve dreamed of. This is perhaps my agrarian ancestry making itself known?


Anyway, I am learning to find the summer joy, and this week I looked through some old summer-themed posts and photos to share with you. No pressure, just reading a book in the sunshine is a good choice too, but if you are so inclined, here’s some favorite summer recipes and activities:

Gathering my summer essentials (here are MAV’s)

Putting together a summer adventuring kit

Hang the laundry on the line

Looking forward to another crop of strawberries

Salads for dinner: I like fresh slaw with asian dressing or the caramelized corn salad in 3191Q Issue No. 1

Salad rolls are great on a hot night too.

Pickles!: I will be canning Melissa’s pickles (recipe and instructions are in 3191Q Issue No. 5), but try quick pickles if you prefer not to can.

Drinking cold brew in the morning and a gin and tonic at night.

Popsicles! Yogurt fudgesicles in Issue No. 1 or apricot strawberry yogurt

Picking wild blackberries and making blackberry oatmeal scones or crisp

Happy Midsomer!!




