3 June 12 • SCB

As I was straightening up at home this week, I realized how much of the work involved sorting items into various baskets. I have a basket for everything! There’s a basket of bike helmets on my porch, a basket of cleaning supplies under my sink, and little baskets of things when you open my drawers. I thought I’d share just a few of the ways I use baskets around my home.

(These are just the tip of the basket-iceberg in my house, really).

Wool throws at the ready.

Bedside reading.

Several in the kitchen.

Another in the living room for our Kapla blocks. Young and old like to play with these when they visit.

And a wee one holding chalk on the bulletin board. You can learn how to weave this little basket in Issue No. 7 of 3191Q! All my other baskets were found at estate and yard sales or at the secondhand shop.