11 June 11 • MAV

Don’t put it off any longer!

Find and visit your local farmers market today!

You might search through:
Local Harvest
Farmers Market
Eat Well Guide

I’m such a huge fan of the markets here in Portland, ME.
I find not only the freshest of foods but inspiration everywhere I look …

radishes above (will be sliced in chunks and buttered and salted)

baby kale (will be tossed with olive oil, lemon juice, fresh parmesan) + broccoli (will be roasted with olive oil, salt, pepper)

little squashes (will be marinated in olive oil and vinegar and put straight on the grill)

feta (will be eaten in chunks and if there’s any left will be added to salads)

dill pickles (will sit aside burgers made on the grill) + eggs (6 will be given to my mom who is in town visiting and 6 will be hard boiled for breakfasts)

peony (will be stared at and enjoyed on my kitchen sill)

Happy, happy, farmers market days to you!