27 February 11 • MAV

I really needed a day off. I know you know what I mean.

I had been saying it for a while but as this past week spiraled to a chaotic close I knew I could no longer wait. I really needed a day off.

My day off started as most days off do with an early rising time and one quick email check. Finding a few notes I could leave for another day (or I could force myself to leave for another day) I closed the laptop and said out loud, ‘see you tomorrow.’

Then it began … a quick shower, a few hard boiled eggs, coffees to go from Arabica, a bottle of water and time to hit the road.

You see, for me to truly have a day off I need to get the hell out. I need to get away from my home where I live and work. I need to get away from any opportunity to cross the threshold into my studio. A usual Saturday starts off with the best intention but then I find myself saying ‘I’ll just check my email really quickly before _________.’ Yeah, right. And a few hours later my supposed day off is anything but. I know you know what I mean. So, on this day off I quite wisely got out of town and far far away from any of the usual distractions.

Two hours on the road and we arrived at my favorite spot. The only place I ever want to go on a true day off (short of a few little cafes I’ve spent time in Paris or London).

We sat. We treasured the moment where we realized there was no one there and yet in a few short months the summer crowd would swell in this room. For then, however, it was just us and our day off.

We ordered. An odd but fitting combination of hot tea and beer. A mess of fresh hot beautiful food. We took our time to eat and talk and sit on the same side of the booth. The pace was deliberate and slow and we lingered as one should on a day off. I know you know what I mean.

Then after a walk about town it was back in the car for a slow ride home. We made a few stops, new and old, and sat in the fast-moving car with our own thoughts. We were not aware of time or any sense of where we should be or why. We were just driving with the showy trees passing by. It was the best feeling and for me the driving always encompasses just what I need on a day off. The tease of absolute nothingness or at the very least nothing of importance. It feels so good to be moving but with no real purpose.

Then, as if the day off couldn’t get any better, we quickly found ourselves back at home and still with a bit of light outside I got back into bed for a nap before my evening was to begin. It was quiet and I smiled as I laid my head on the pillow.

There is still nothing quite as good as a real day off. I know you know what I mean.