21 November 10 • SCB

Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday. I know it’s a rather homely holiday with all its earth tones and unphotogenic mounds of stuffing and potatoes. I know, too, that it has a complicated cultural history, but what I love is what it has come to mean for me—family and food. Throw in an after dinner walk outside, and you have all of my favorite things.

There are no gifts or cards or glitz or glam. There is hustle and bustle, but it is the hustle and bustle of getting a meal on a table. It is the humblest hustle.

Done right, Thanksgiving is the deep breath, the holding of hands, before the jump into holiday craziness. I don’t know about you, but I need that breath and that gentle squeeze.

Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for everyone who visits here. Here’s a few past 3191 posts that might help in your meal planning:

MAV’s beautiful feast last year
My Thanksgiving table setting
Sweet potato biscuits
Pimento cheese (to keep hunger at bay while your turkey cooks)