26 September 10 • SCB

This week, in the early morning darkness of the first day of autumn, I lit the paper lanterns that MAV had sent to me (you can learn how to make these with natural dyes in the summer issue of 3191 Quarterly). While MAV was inspired to make these by summer nights, I can attest that they are equally charming on fall mornings.

As we ate in the glowing light, I thought a bit about the season ahead and all the changes it would bring. I thought, too, about little changes and extra efforts that I wanted to make this season. I’ll share a few of them with you here:

1. Become hardier about riding my bike in all (read: wet) weather. I am guilty of being a fair-weather bike commuter. This year we are going to gear up and get out there.

2. Whenever possible, double (or triple or quadruple…) recipes. There is great comfort during the fall season (a very busy time for our family) to have home-cooked food at-the-ready. Leftover roasted veggies to pair with a fried egg (a robust breakfast is necessary if you’re going to ride in the cold rain). A jar of soup to pull from the freezer on a night when we arrive home late. An extra apple crisp to take to dinner with friends.

3. Shoot more film and share it with you here. This post is a start.

Have a beautiful and plentiful fall. Can’t wait to share even more with you in our autumn issue of 3191Q (it’s coming up soon…subscribers will be the first to see the issue!).